The Centre of expertise for Agrotechnology and Biotechnology at the VIVES University of Applied Sciences, Belgium, has gathered extensive expertise on malnutrition among older persons in the PROMISS project. Taking this expertise, VIVES developed specific training and education material for different actors within the practice-oriented research project “Seniorproof”.

For example, an “ambiance box“ was developed to inspire caregivers to decorate a meal attractively. In addition, a taste panel was set up that can help companies and industrial kitchens to develop new food products that are adapted to the preferences and needs of the older persons.

Learn more about VIVES’ work in the article 65+’ers en hun liefde voor de maaltijd (Dutch only)

Vanneste, E., Van den Broeck, L., Desplenter , A., & Schutyser, E. (2019). 65+’ers en hun liefde voor de maaltijd. Tijdschrift voor voeding en diëtetiek, 14-17