With the European population growing older, the challenge is to keep an increasing number of seniors across all European countries healthy and active. In Europe, between 1/5 and half of of all older adults living at home are malnourished or at risk of protein energy malnutrition. PROMISS aims to better understand and ultimately prevent protein energy malnutrition in seniors. Thereby, PROMISS will contribute to improve active and healthy ageing.
Nutrition for healthy ageing
Watch the PROMISS final conference on Youtube!
It is now possible to make the recordings of our final event available to the wide public!
Click here to retrieve all the excellent contents and good memories of PROMISS!
High-Protein Main Meals Recipe Booklet
Issued from the cooperation between PROMISS and EFAD, we are pleased to announced that the High-Protein Main Meals Recipe Booklet is available!
It is equally accessible via the EFAD website following this link: https://www.efad.org/en-us/endiets/recipe-competition-april-2021/%CE%B7igh-protein-recipe-booklet/
Last scientific papers by PROMISS!
Read the last two important papers of the PROMISS project!
Do not hesitate to contact the team PROMISS.PO@vu.nl for more information!
🇮🇹 💡 Una tabella delle proteine può aiutarti a tenere il conto della quantità di proteine che mangi. ⏬ È possibile scaricarne uno dal sito Web PROMISS: promiss-vu.eu/community/olde… pic.twitter.com/FX1evp4NDC