Over 20 million older citizens are at risk of protein malnutrition in Europe, whose consequences on health are serious and often irreversible.

Based on the outcomes of our research, PROMISS will develop optimised, sustainable and evidence-based dietary and physical activity strategies, which are currently tested in the Netherlands and Finland for effectiveness and cost-effectiveness in a long-term intervention study.

The project will show whether these strategies together with new food concepts and products will prevent malnutrition and support active and healthy ageing.

In this newsletter:

  • A sneak peek of PROMISS research (p. 2-5)
    • Consumers’ habits and their consequences
    • Enriched bread with raisins and apple pie
    • Protein rich soups
    • Towards tailored dietary strategies
    • Daily sedentary time and physical activity among Dutch older adults
  • Nutrition and appetite under the magnifying glass (p. 6-7)
    • The Protein Screener 55+: interview with Dr. Hanneke Wijnhoven
  • What comes next? (p. 7-8)
    • Read about what keeps our team busy in the coming months

Enjoy reading the third PROMISS newsletter here.